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Terms & Conditions

High Quality
IT services for the People

1. Definitions

1.1. We/Us/Our/DHRUBO: DHRUBO and its representatives

1.2. You/Your: The customer entering this agreement with Us or someone authorized to act on the customer's behalf.

1.3. Services: The products and services requested by You on your order form.

1.4. Equipment: Multi Line Dialler(s), Smart Box(es), connectors, cables, or other hardware We supply under this agreement.

1.5. "DHRUBO": Any network used by Us to route Your calls.

The above definitions clarify key terms used throughout this agreement between You and DHRUBO. Please reach out with any questions.

2. About This Agreement

2.1. This agreement governs the services and equipment provided by DHRUBO to you, the customer. It supersedes any prior oral or written agreements related to these offerings.

2.2. Services and Equipment: The services and equipment covered herein remain the sole property of DHRUBO over the duration of this agreement. Customers may not alter, misuse, or claim ownership of said property. Customers are responsible for replacement costs due to loss or damage.

2.3. Term Duration: This agreement commences on the earlier date of:

Initial service availability
Equipment installation/programming
Within the term duration, customers may not utilize other service providers or networks for outbound call traffic.
Any agreement alterations must be rendered in writing and signed by a Check Communications executive. Please contact us with any term clarification needs.

2.4. Ending This Agreement:

a) YOU/Customers can terminate after the minimum contract term by providing 60 days advance written notice and paying any outstanding charges (line rental, fees, usage, etc.). DHRUBO will not apply cancellation fees if the term is completed. YOU/Customers are responsible for reprogramming costs and any calls made after termination. Routers must be returned within 7 days or replacement charges may apply. If a proper termination notice is not given, the contract auto-renews for a full new term.
b) DHRUBO or customers can immediately terminate this agreement if:

I) The other party breaches contract terms and fails to remedy within 14 days of written notice.

II) A bankruptcy-related professional (liquidator, etc) is appointed to manage assets.

III) The other party enters an arrangement with creditors.

IV) A court or creditor appoints a receiver, or administrator, or issues a winding up/bankruptcy order.

V) If terminated for any reason, services may halt without notice.

Please contact us if you require any clarification on the ending terms.

2.5. Service Terms

Routers supplied with Ethernet/Broadband services remain DHRUBO’S property. Customers must return routers within 7 days of cancellation or be charged.

a. Recorded Calls The other party breaches contract terms and fails to remedy within 14 days of written notice.

b. Service Disruption TDHRUBO does not bear responsibility for cloud phone service disruption due to:

I) Customer’s own IT systems, internet connections
II) Actions of the customer’s IT/internet service provider
III) Customer security updates

Please reach out with any questions on these policies and offerings.

3. Service Provision

3.1. We strive to maintain highly available services but cannot guarantee flawless operation due to the nature of the networking ecosystem. Service quality depends on both our infrastructure and external networks. Customers are responsible for ensuring their own equipment is functional.

3.2. If we assist customers in programming or reprogramming their telecom equipment, we carry no liability for subsequent problems regardless of cause.

3.3. For equipment delivery and new service installation, we provide target dates but do not guarantee them due to variability like site surveys. We accept no accountability for missed delivery dates.

3.4. Regarding equipment maintenance and operations, we commit to exercising reasonable care and effort within our control. However, external factors may affect service from time to time.

Please reach out with any other questions about our service policies or offerings. We aim to provide quality telecom solutions but note that no carrier can offer perfect reliability.

4. Billing and Charges

4.1. We calculate monthly fees based on current price lists for your plan and usage. We may reasonably amend rates or introduce new fees to account for cost increases. Customers receive 14 days notice before price hikes.

4.2. This agreement's terms or service offerings may also change to reflect legal/regulatory shifts or business needs. We reserve the right to make reasonable adjustments.

4.3. Our invoices use carrier/network data for usage charges. This third-party information is authoritative in any disputes.

4.4. We may charge repair costs if equipment issues stem from improper use, negligence, damage, or reprogramming needs. Credit limits may apply and deposits could be required for increases.

4.5. Unless we provide line rental services, customers still receive bills from their phone company for external charges. Our fees reflect only Check Communications network usage.

4.6. As a customer-focused managed network and communications provider, we aim to be fully transparent around billing policies and what drives costs while delivering seamless connectivity. Please reach out with any fee-related questions.